Is Matterport Inc (MTTR) a Leader in the Software

Matterport Inc (MTTR) is near the top in its industry group according to InvestorsObserver. MTTR gets an overall rating of 63. That means it scores higher than 63 percent of stocks. Matterport Inc gets a 89 rank in the Software – Application industry. Software – Application is number 95 out of 148 industries.

Overall Score - 63
MTTR has an Overall Score of 63. Find out what this means to you and get the rest of the rankings on MTTR!

What do These Ratings Mean?

Finding the best stocks can be tricky. It isn’t easy to compare companies across industries. Even companies that have relatively similar businesses can be tricky to compare sometimes. InvestorsObserver’s tools allow a top-down approach that lets you pick a metric, find the top sector and industry and then find the top stocks in that sector.

Our proprietary scoring system captures technical factors, fundamental analysis and the opinions of analysts on Wall Street. This makes InvestorsObserver’s overall rating a great way to get started, regardless of your investing style. Percentile-ranked scores are also easy to understand. A score of 100 is the top and a 0 is the bottom. There’s no need to try to remember what is “good” for a bunch of complicated ratios, just pay attention to which numbers are the highest.

What’s Happening With Matterport Inc Stock Today?

Matterport Inc (MTTR) stock has fallen -3.4% while the S&P 500 is higher by 0.24% as of 9:47 AM on Monday, Nov 7. MTTR is lower by -$0.10 from the previous closing price of $2.94 on volume of 120,100 shares. Over the past year the S&P 500 has fallen -19.61% while MTTR is lower by -87.43%. MTTR lost -$1.51 per share the over the last 12 months.

Click Here to get the full Stock Report for Matterport Inc stock.

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