Google’s popular Gmail service was down for many users across the world on Saturday and the problem lasted nearly three hours with many users unable to send messages. reported a spike in Gmail outage status on Saturday as well. Google’s own app status dashboard shows an issue with Gmail, […]
Google offered its official Google taught and backed digital marketing certification and courses, as we reported about a couple weeks ago. Guess what SEO advice and recommendations Google offers in this course? Yep, having more than 300 words on a page and making sure you have an\ keyword density of […]
That uproar you hear? It’s SEOs calling out Google today. Google’s new Digital Marketing & E-commerce certification course, which was announced May 2, includes cringe-worthy SEO advice so shockingly bad that one of Google’s search advocates – Danny Sullivan – is disavowing it. What happened. It all started with a […]
Someone from the SEO community called attention to a section in Google’s new digital marketing training course that recommends writing at least 300 words of content, advised specific areas of a web page for seeding keywords and recommended a keyword density for target keywords of under 2%. Some in the […]
Google takes aim at cybercrime web. — © AFP THOMAS COEX With the increased emphasis on digital privacy, many marketers need to find new ways to monitor their audiences. A new survey from Unsupervised finds that over 1 in 4 marketers with less than two years of experience is unsure […]