Although Fernanda De La Torre still has several years left in her graduate studies, she’s already dreaming big when it comes to what the future has in store for her. “I dream of opening up a school one day where I could bring this world of understanding of cognition and […]
Walk down any street and it’s a familiar scene: people craning their necks as they look at their phones. But in the not-too-distant future we’ll probably just stare at digital information hovering over the world in front of us, taking in a blend of the digital and real worlds, all […]
Considering that all eyes have been on Elon Musk and his Twitter shenanigans this week, you’d be forgiven for not paying much attention to Mark Zuckberg. Nevertheless, the Meta CEO has kept his Sauronesque gaze laser-focused on his metaverse machinations. Problem is, they aren’t likely to come to fruition anytime […]
Alexander Satin Alexander Satin, a spine surgeon at the Texas Back Institute (Frisco, USA), speaks to Spinal News International about the reasons why he uses augmented reality (AR) in his practice. He outlines some of the key benefits as well as downsides of the technology and considers what the future […]